SCM music player Listen When Passion Speaks...: the CONNECTION between PASSION and POVERTY.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


The question posed-- What is the connection between poverty and passion 
 This question is very deep, and I truly believe there is no right or wrong answer, but I also knew that it was something I was going to want to get another opinion on just to see initial reactions and first thoughts on the question. 

  I asked my best friend and she said people in poverty find passion in the smaller/smallest things because they have been stripped away from a lot or most of the luxuries we have and may take for granted every day. 

  To some extent I agree with my friend and not having a lot can help you find your passion and become passionate about the more simple things in life, or become passionate about things you would have never thought about, but if I can I would like to play the devils advocate on this topic.

If a person is in poverty, or in need or without a sufficient amount be it mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical and they find their passion shouldn't that be enough or the driving force to help them come out of poverty? to me passion goes deeper than just something you really like, the word passion IMPLIES devotion, dedication, intensity, and love. 

incomplete. thought in progress...

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