SCM music player Listen When Passion Speaks...: Deal Breakers

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Deal Breakers

   It's hard being a first generation college student although I have a sister, brother and cousins who have started college none of them finished and sometimes it feel like the pressure is on and everyone is looking at me to be the first to finish. I feel like there is nothing wrong with a little pressure because pressure breeds amazing atributes like character, and perseverance, a good work ethic and many other things, BUT when you feel like its not ok to mess up or not have all the right answers is when pressure shifts into something more negative. That negative space is a place I don't want to be because I feel like it will start to make me hate school and education something that I love.
   Another thing that makes thriving in college difficult is being at a community college coming from a university it took me a while to get over that because I had a lot of shame I felt like I was less than the rest of my friends that were continuing on with their 4-year college. I felt embarrassed because in high school it was like an unspoken "thing" with the group of people I hung out with that no one wanted to go to a community college and community colleges were only for people who "weren't ready" for a 4-year. So having to come to Chabot was almost a deal breaker for me.
   I think dealing with pressure the main thing you have to know is that you're enough and it's your own trail that your blazing and it does not have to look like anyone else's and making mistakes is ok. Just like a little pressure builds so many beautiful atributes and characteristics so does making mistakes and learning from them. Another way do deal with pressure is finding an outlet to release your anger, stress and frustration because what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.
   I had to learn that my situation was not unique although a lot of people go to community college then transfer to a four-year there are people who start at a four-year and for whatever reason transfer to a community college. Once again learning its your educational path that your blazing and it won't like the everyone else's and there is no cut out educational path that you have to follow but the one you set for yourself and even that one may change over time.

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